Our teddy roses are designed to make your loved one feel extremely special! we offer same day delivery which makes it perfect as a last minute gift. The teddy roses are made out of 100’s of artificial roses which means the gift will last a lifetime. You can also customise it by adding in a personalised message, chocolates, lights and a gift box.
Why Allanna Teddy Rose?
🧸 Save on delivery costs.
🌹 Gift that lasts a lifetime.
🧸 Perfect for room decor.
🌹 Very Instagram Friendly!
🧸 Gift that your loved one has never received.
🌹 100% Guaranteed to put a smile on your loved one's face.
🧸 A Perfect combination between Teddy Bears and Roses.
Product Features:
🌹 Size is 25cm approximately.
🧸 Made out of artificial roses.
🌹 Rainbow Teddy Rose.
🧸 all our Teddy’s are Hand made.